
All project has an individual challenge. Sometimes the modelling is known, but understanding the business problem and wrangling the data are the first steps in all cases.

In a major of the projects, I needed to pre-process the database. Sometimes on SQL, others in Mongo DB queries. These steps were not included in all projects here, only when crucial. 

Furthermore, accomplishing projects is the best way to learn about a topic. 

On the projects below, you will see a lot of codes (R, Python, SQL, etc.) and many pictures to illustrate the step-by-step analysis.

To conclude, do not hesitate to comment, make suggestions or ask questions. I am pleased to reply and learn together.

Welcome, and enjoy!

Predicting Airfare based on New Entrants

Predicting Airfare based on New Entrants

Introduction to the Problem The following problem occurred in the United States in the late 1990s when many major U.S. cities faced airport congestion issues, partly because of the 1978 deregulation of airlines. Both fares and routes were free from…

Protected: Projection of Total Cost and Outcome from Brazilian Patients

Protected: Projection of Total Cost and Outcome from Brazilian Patients

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Labour Market Performance by the Study Area – A Clustering Analysis

Labour Market Performance by the Study Area – A Clustering Analysis

Introduction to the Problem The data are for labour market outcomes (employment rate, unemployment rate, and median employment income) across major fields of study for British Columbia (BC). The question that will be of interest in the analysis is: Clustering…

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