1 STEP: Load the Packages

#message=FALSE and warning=FALSE to not include message/warnings
options(scipen = 999)
#here was included more packages to graphics (ggplot2)
#data preparation (dplyr) and
#format tables (Rmarkdown and kableExtra)

2 STEP: Import and Process the data

2.1 Import the data

# When use read.table and the parameter 'as.is=FALSE', the characters are converted to factors
routeAirfares_df <- read.table("Route-Airfares.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",", as.is = F)
head(routeAirfares_df, 10)
##                    S_CITY                 E_CITY COUPON NEW VACATION  SW
## 1  Dallas/Fort Worth   TX Amarillo            TX   1.00   3       No Yes
## 2  Atlanta             GA Baltimore/Wash Intl MD   1.06   3       No  No
## 3  Boston              MA Baltimore/Wash Intl MD   1.06   3       No  No
## 4  Chicago             IL Baltimore/Wash Intl MD   1.06   3       No Yes
## 5  Chicago             IL Baltimore/Wash Intl MD   1.06   3       No Yes
## 6  Cleveland           OH Baltimore/Wash Intl MD   1.01   3       No Yes
## 7  Dallas/Fort Worth   TX Baltimore/Wash Intl MD   1.28   3       No  No
## 8  Fort Lauderdale     FL Baltimore/Wash Intl MD   1.15   3      Yes Yes
## 9  Houston             TX Baltimore/Wash Intl MD   1.33   3       No Yes
## 10 Kansas City         MO Baltimore/Wash Intl MD   1.60   2       No Yes
## 1  5291.99    28637    21112 3036732  205711       Free Free      312  7864
## 2  5419.16    26993    29838 3532657 7145897       Free Free      576  8820
## 3  9185.28    30124    29838 5787293 7145897       Free Free      364  6452
## 4  2657.35    29260    29838 7830332 7145897 Controlled Free      612 25144
## 5  2657.35    29260    29838 7830332 7145897       Free Free      612 25144
## 6  3408.11    26046    29838 2230955 7145897       Free Free      309 13386
## 7  6754.48    28637    29838 3036732 7145897       Free Free     1220  4625
## 8  5584.00    26752    29838 1440377 7145897       Free Free      921  5512
## 9  4662.44    27211    29838 3770125 7145897       Free Free     1249  7811
## 10 2617.00    25450    29838 1694803 7145897       Free Free      964  4657
##      FARE
## 1   64.11
## 2  174.47
## 3  207.76
## 4   85.47
## 5   85.47
## 6   56.76
## 7  228.00
## 8  116.54
## 9  172.63
## 10 114.76

2.2 Removing Columns that will not be used

routeAirfares_df1 <- routeAirfares_df[,c(3:16)]
kable(head(routeAirfares_df1, 10), caption = "First 10 Lines of routeAirfares_df1", 
      digits = 2, formatr="html") %>%
      kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed"))
First 10 Lines of routeAirfares_df1
1.00 3 No Yes 5291.99 28637 21112 3036732 205711 Free Free 312 7864 64.11
1.06 3 No No 5419.16 26993 29838 3532657 7145897 Free Free 576 8820 174.47
1.06 3 No No 9185.28 30124 29838 5787293 7145897 Free Free 364 6452 207.76
1.06 3 No Yes 2657.35 29260 29838 7830332 7145897 Controlled Free 612 25144 85.47
1.06 3 No Yes 2657.35 29260 29838 7830332 7145897 Free Free 612 25144 85.47
1.01 3 No Yes 3408.11 26046 29838 2230955 7145897 Free Free 309 13386 56.76
1.28 3 No No 6754.48 28637 29838 3036732 7145897 Free Free 1220 4625 228.00
1.15 3 Yes Yes 5584.00 26752 29838 1440377 7145897 Free Free 921 5512 116.54
1.33 3 No Yes 4662.44 27211 29838 3770125 7145897 Free Free 1249 7811 172.63
1.60 2 No Yes 2617.00 25450 29838 1694803 7145897 Free Free 964 4657 114.76

2.3 Convert to Dummies and Factor

Using the variables as a factors in the import step, the step to create dummies is not needed.

Withe the function glimpse is possible to see that the variables are converted to Factor (fct) in R:

## Rows: 638
## Columns: 14
## $ COUPON   <dbl> 1.00, 1.06, 1.06, 1.06, 1.06, 1.01, 1.28, 1.15, 1.33, 1.60, 1…
## $ NEW      <int> 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3…
## $ VACATION <fct> No, No, No, No, No, No, No, Yes, No, No, Yes, No, No, No, No,…
## $ SW       <fct> Yes, No, No, Yes, Yes, Yes, No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,…
## $ HI       <dbl> 5291.99, 5419.16, 9185.28, 2657.35, 2657.35, 3408.11, 6754.48…
## $ S_INCOME <int> 28637, 26993, 30124, 29260, 29260, 26046, 28637, 26752, 27211…
## $ E_INCOME <int> 21112, 29838, 29838, 29838, 29838, 29838, 29838, 29838, 29838…
## $ S_POP    <int> 3036732, 3532657, 5787293, 7830332, 7830332, 2230955, 3036732…
## $ E_POP    <int> 205711, 7145897, 7145897, 7145897, 7145897, 7145897, 7145897,…
## $ SLOT     <fct> Free, Free, Free, Controlled, Free, Free, Free, Free, Free, F…
## $ GATE     <fct> Free, Free, Free, Free, Free, Free, Free, Free, Free, Free, F…
## $ DISTANCE <int> 312, 576, 364, 612, 612, 309, 1220, 921, 1249, 964, 2104, 232…
## $ PAX      <int> 7864, 8820, 6452, 25144, 25144, 13386, 4625, 5512, 7811, 4657…
## $ FARE     <dbl> 64.11, 174.47, 207.76, 85.47, 85.47, 56.76, 228.00, 116.54, 1…

3 STEP: Explore the Data

3.1 Descriptive Analysis

3.1.1 Simple Statistics from Fare Variable

# Summarizing CUSTOT by HOSPITAL:
resume_fare <-
  routeAirfares_df1 %>%
  summarise(min. = min(FARE, na.rm = T),
            "%25 Q" = quantile(FARE, .25, na.rm = T),
            "median." = median(FARE, na.rm = T),
            "mean." = mean(FARE, na.rm = T),
            "%75 Q" = quantile(FARE, .75, na.rm = T),
            "max." = max(FARE, na.rm = T),
            "sd." = sd(FARE, na.rm = T))

kable(t(resume_fare), caption = "Descriptive Statistics from routeAirfares_df1", 
      digits = 2, formatr="html", col.names = c("Statistic / Value")) %>%
      kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed"))
Descriptive Statistics from routeAirfares_df1
Statistic / Value
min. 42.47
%25 Q 106.29
median. 144.60
mean. 160.88
%75 Q 209.35
max. 402.02
sd. 76.02

The Fare Average Variable shows a range between 42.47 and 402.02
The mean of 160.88 is higher than the median 144.60, and it is probably caused by the higher values of fares.

3.1.2 Histogram for Fare

ggplot(routeAirfares_df1, aes(FARE)) +
  geom_histogram(fill = "orange", colour="lightgray", binwidth = 30) +
  ggtitle("Hist. Average Route Fares") +

The Histogram shows the Fare Variable with a right-Skewed distribution.

3.1.3 Normality tests for Fare

To analyse the distribution, two Statistical Tests are ran: Shapiro-wilk test(shapiro.test) and Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test(ks.test):

#Shapiro-wilk test
##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  routeAirfares_df1$FARE
## W = 0.95358, p-value = 0.0000000000002732
##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  log(routeAirfares_df1$FARE)
## W = 0.97821, p-value = 0.00000003811
#Kolmogorov-Smirnov Tests
ks.test(routeAirfares_df1$FARE, 'pnorm')
##  Asymptotic one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  routeAirfares_df1$FARE
## D = 1, p-value < 0.00000000000000022
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
ks.test(log(routeAirfares_df1$FARE), 'pnorm')
##  Asymptotic one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  log(routeAirfares_df1$FARE)
## D = 0.99991, p-value < 0.00000000000000022
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided

Usually a Log transformation turn the variable in a Normal Distribution. On this analysis, the Tests did not show a normal distribution to the Fare variable and also to the Log Fare Variable.

3.1.4 Histogram for Fare Without(No) and With(Yes) Southwest (SW) Airline Operation

ggplot(routeAirfares_df1, aes(FARE, colour=SW)) +
  geom_freqpoly(binwidth = 30) +
  ggtitle("Hist. Average Route Fares Without(No) and With(Yes) Southwest (SW) Airline Operation") +

On the graphic above is possible to see the difference between the Fare when a Route has a SW Operation.

3.1.5 Boxplot for Route Fares Without(No) and With(Yes) Southwest (SW) Airline Operation

ggplot(routeAirfares_df1, aes(x=SW, y=FARE)) +
  stat_boxplot(geom = 'errorbar', width = 0.15, colour='steelblue')+
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA,fill = c("aquamarine3","orange"), colour = "steelblue") +
  geom_jitter(width = 0.2, colour='lightgray') +
  ggtitle("Routes Average Route Fares Without(No) and With(Yes) Southwest (SW) Airline Operation") +
  xlab("SouthWest Arilines Operation Routes") + 
  ylab("Average fare") +

Therefore, the Boxplot information in the graph corroborates the above, where it is possible to see the difference between the rates where there is SW operation and where there is none.

3.1.6 Comparison between Route Fares with and Without Southwest (SW) Airline Operation

# Summarizing CUSTOT by HOSPITAL:
resume_by_SW <-
  routeAirfares_df1 %>% group_by(SW) %>%
  summarise(min. = min(FARE, na.rm = T),
            "%25 Q" = quantile(FARE, .25, na.rm = T),
            median. = median(FARE, na.rm = T),
            mean. = mean(FARE, na.rm = T),
            "%75 Q" = quantile(FARE, .75, na.rm = T),
            max. = max(FARE, na.rm = T),
            sd. = sd(FARE, na.rm = T))

kable(resume_by_SW, caption = "Descreptive Statistics from routeAirfares_df1", 
      digits = 2, formatr="html") %>%
      kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed"))
Descreptive Statistics from routeAirfares_df1
SW min. %25 Q median. mean. %75 Q max. sd.
No 57.62 127.38 174.67 188.18 238.96 402.02 70.56
Yes 42.47 63.97 80.82 98.38 127.06 241.04 44.80

As expected, both the mean and the median where there is SW operation are smaller than on routes where there is no operation.

3.2 Graphic Analysis

3.2.1 Scatter plot Distance vs. Fare

ggplot(routeAirfares_df1, aes(x=DISTANCE, y=FARE, color=SW)) +
  geom_point() +
  ggtitle("Distance vs. Average Fares") +
  xlab("Distance") + 
  ylab("Average fare") +
  theme_light() +
  geom_smooth(method=lm, colour='orange')
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

The orange line shows a regression standard to Average Fares by Distance. The correlation is positive, i.e., as the distance increase, the Fare increase too.

3.2.2 Scatter plot Number of passengers vs. Fare

ggplot(routeAirfares_df1, aes(x=PAX, y=FARE, color=SW)) +
  geom_point() +
  ggtitle("Number of passengers vs. Average Fares") +
  xlab("Number of passengers") + 
  ylab("Average Fare") +
  theme_light() +
  geom_smooth(method=lm, colour='orange')
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

The orange line shows a regression standard to Average Fares by Number of passengers. The correlation here is negative, i.e., as the number of passengers increase, the Fare decrease. But the points in the graphic did not show clearly this correlation.

3.2.3 Scatter plot Herfindel Index vs. Fare

ggplot(routeAirfares_df1, aes(x=HI, y=FARE, color=SW)) +
  geom_point(colour = 'steelblue') +
  ggtitle("Herfindel Index vs Average Fares") +
  xlab("Herfindel Index") + 
  ylab("Average Fare") +
  theme_light() +
  geom_smooth(method=lm, colour='orange')
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

Considering the Herfindel Index, was not possible to see a correlation with Fare in the graphic above.

3.3 Correlation Analysis

3.3.1 Correlation Graphic of Numeric Variables

corr_matrix <- round(cor(routeAirfares_df1[,c(1,2,5:9,12,13,14)]), 2)

ggcorrplot(corr_matrix, insig = "blank",
   outline.col = "white",lab = TRUE, lab_size = 3, type = "upper",
   colors = c("#6D9EC1", "white", "#E46726"), tl.cex = 8,
   title = "Correlation Plot of Numeric Variables")

## Analysis of Correlation

The linear correlation with variable Fare is significant only with the variable Distance. The Distance shows 67% of positive correlation and the Coupom variable shows 50% of correlation with Fare.

4 STEP: Fit the Explanotory Model

## Using factor, the original df could be used
full_model_1 <- lm(FARE~.,data=routeAirfares_df1) 
## Call:
## lm(formula = FARE ~ ., data = routeAirfares_df1)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -106.329  -22.707   -2.329   21.135  128.694 
## Coefficients:
##                   Estimate     Std. Error t value             Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  12.6994118001  27.3794275438   0.464             0.642931    
## COUPON        3.7548860460  12.1940745200   0.308             0.758241    
## NEW          -2.3955300091   1.8754235621  -1.277             0.201962    
## VACATIONYes -35.6444414923   3.6170502952  -9.855 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## SWYes       -40.9696003501   3.7437293472 -10.944 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## HI            0.0084257891   0.0009900663   8.510 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## S_INCOME      0.0012066778   0.0005171071   2.334             0.019938 *  
## E_INCOME      0.0013742730   0.0003749187   3.666             0.000268 ***
## S_POP         0.0000034009   0.0000006523   5.213         0.0000002525 ***
## E_POP         0.0000043631   0.0000007547   5.781         0.0000000117 ***
## SLOTFree    -16.2447682308   3.8468797056  -4.223         0.0000277170 ***
## GATEFree    -20.5792299506   4.0015843898  -5.143         0.0000003629 ***
## DISTANCE      0.0749842554   0.0035795488  20.948 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## PAX          -0.0008709429   0.0001459072  -5.969         0.0000000040 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 35.47 on 624 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.7868, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7823 
## F-statistic: 177.1 on 13 and 624 DF,  p-value: < 0.00000000000000022

For this First Model, the summary shows the significance of each variable.
The variables COUPOM and NEW did not has a p-value significant. Therefore the variables Vacation(Yes), SW(yes), Slot(Free) and Gate(Free) has negative coefficients, i.e., when they have the values Yes/Yes/Free/Free respectively, each of them reduce the Fare. To sum up, the Adjusted R-Squared is 78,2% for this model.

The graphics shows some points out of the normality line in the Q-Q Plot (476, 110 and 332).

5 STEP: Model Refinement

5.1 Check if there are any outliers

Using the Cook’s D statistic: cooks.distance function use Cook’s D, observations > 4*mean are considered outliers

cooksD <- cooks.distance(full_model_1)
abline_add <- 4*mean(cooksD, na.rm=T)

ggplot(full_model_1, aes(seq_along(.cooksd), cooksD)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "identity") +
  xlab("Obs. Number") + ylab("Cookss Distance") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = abline_add, col="red") +
  ggtitle("Cooks distance") + theme_light()

The graphic shows the points above the Red Line are considered outliers.

5.2 Remove outliers from the data

5.2.1 Identify rows that contain outlier values and generate a df without outliers

outlier_rows <-cooksD >4*mean(cooksD)

routeAirfares_df2 <- routeAirfares_df1[outlier_rows=="FALSE",] 
#Use the vector to "filter" the original DF

## 1   1.00   3       No Yes 5291.99    28637    21112 3036732  205711       Free
## 2   1.06   3       No  No 5419.16    26993    29838 3532657 7145897       Free
## 3   1.06   3       No  No 9185.28    30124    29838 5787293 7145897       Free
## 4   1.06   3       No Yes 2657.35    29260    29838 7830332 7145897 Controlled
## 5   1.06   3       No Yes 2657.35    29260    29838 7830332 7145897       Free
## 6   1.01   3       No Yes 3408.11    26046    29838 2230955 7145897       Free
## 1 Free      312  7864  64.11
## 2 Free      576  8820 174.47
## 3 Free      364  6452 207.76
## 4 Free      612 25144  85.47
## 5 Free      612 25144  85.47
## 6 Free      309 13386  56.76
## 'data.frame':    601 obs. of  14 variables:
##  $ COUPON  : num  1 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.01 1.28 1.15 1.33 1.6 ...
##  $ NEW     : int  3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 ...
##  $ VACATION: Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ...
##  $ SW      : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 ...
##  $ HI      : num  5292 5419 9185 2657 2657 ...
##  $ S_INCOME: int  28637 26993 30124 29260 29260 26046 28637 26752 27211 25450 ...
##  $ E_INCOME: int  21112 29838 29838 29838 29838 29838 29838 29838 29838 29838 ...
##  $ S_POP   : int  3036732 3532657 5787293 7830332 7830332 2230955 3036732 1440377 3770125 1694803 ...
##  $ E_POP   : int  205711 7145897 7145897 7145897 7145897 7145897 7145897 7145897 7145897 7145897 ...
##  $ SLOT    : Factor w/ 2 levels "Controlled","Free": 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ GATE    : Factor w/ 2 levels "Constrained",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ DISTANCE: int  312 576 364 612 612 309 1220 921 1249 964 ...
##  $ PAX     : int  7864 8820 6452 25144 25144 13386 4625 5512 7811 4657 ...
##  $ FARE    : num  64.1 174.5 207.8 85.5 85.5 ...

The outliers are removed from the database (37), and now the df has 601 observations.

5.3 Fit the Second Model - Full model (without Outliers)

full_model_2 <- lm(FARE~.,data=routeAirfares_df2)
## Call:
## lm(formula = FARE ~ ., data = routeAirfares_df2)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -76.44 -21.21  -2.18  18.98  94.87 
## Coefficients:
##                   Estimate     Std. Error t value             Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  -5.6638405279  25.2067956355  -0.225             0.822295    
## COUPON        6.3613498966  11.3562933053   0.560             0.575583    
## NEW           0.7424641746   1.7628147513   0.421             0.673777    
## VACATIONYes -34.2020644798   3.2549215980 -10.508 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## SWYes       -41.6442782155   3.3576682143 -12.403 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## HI            0.0088384407   0.0009533133   9.271 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## S_INCOME      0.0012623843   0.0004897804   2.577             0.010196 *  
## E_INCOME      0.0013458018   0.0003505830   3.839             0.000137 ***
## S_POP         0.0000039863   0.0000006131   6.502     0.00000000016971 ***
## E_POP         0.0000047381   0.0000007009   6.760     0.00000000003336 ***
## SLOTFree    -12.5048811005   3.4705858274  -3.603             0.000341 ***
## GATEFree    -19.8111963827   3.6245247044  -5.466     0.00000006818400 ***
## DISTANCE      0.0729480484   0.0033667686  21.667 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## PAX          -0.0009401951   0.0001331062  -7.063     0.00000000000461 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 31.13 on 587 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:   0.82,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.816 
## F-statistic: 205.6 on 13 and 587 DF,  p-value: < 0.00000000000000022

For this Second Model (Database without outliers), the summary shows the significance of each variable.
The variables COUPOM and NOVO still do not have a significant p-value. Moreover, the variables Vacation(Yes), SW(yes), Slot(Free) and Gate(Free) still have a negative coefficient. The Adjusted R-Squared is 81,6% for this model.

5.4 Fit the Third Model - Stepwise Model (Database without Outliers)

full_model_3 <- stepAIC(full_model_2, direction="backward", trace=FALSE)
## Call:
## lm(formula = FARE ~ VACATION + SW + HI + S_INCOME + E_INCOME + 
##     S_POP + E_POP + SLOT + GATE + DISTANCE + PAX, data = routeAirfares_df2)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -75.919 -21.707  -1.721  18.988  94.994 
## Coefficients:
##                   Estimate     Std. Error t value             Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)   4.9035133301  19.2403174837   0.255             0.798923    
## VACATIONYes -34.3259074035   3.2450321635 -10.578 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## SWYes       -41.8577542040   3.3339214262 -12.555 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## HI            0.0087092114   0.0009093637   9.577 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## S_INCOME      0.0012369141   0.0004869600   2.540             0.011339 *  
## E_INCOME      0.0013403991   0.0003493437   3.837             0.000138 ***
## S_POP         0.0000039520   0.0000006102   6.477    0.000000000197883 ***
## E_POP         0.0000047509   0.0000006992   6.794    0.000000000026679 ***
## SLOTFree    -12.7759665264   3.4433243832  -3.710             0.000227 ***
## GATEFree    -19.9102960703   3.6164414930  -5.505    0.000000055019535 ***
## DISTANCE      0.0743740294   0.0023314574  31.900 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## PAX          -0.0009666576   0.0001226921  -7.879    0.000000000000016 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 31.09 on 589 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8198, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8164 
## F-statistic: 243.6 on 11 and 589 DF,  p-value: < 0.00000000000000022

For this Third Model (Database without outliers), the summary also shows the significance of each variable.
The variable (Intercept) did not have a significant p-value. Moreover, the variables Vacation(Yes), SW(yes), Slot(Free) and Gate(Free) still have a negative coefficient. The Adjusted R-Squared is 81,6% for this model.

5.5 Transformation of Variables

All numeric variables are transformed using log function.

routeAirfares_df2_log <- routeAirfares_df2
routeAirfares_df2_log[,c(1,5:9,12,13,14)] <- log(routeAirfares_df2_log[,c(1,5:9,12,13,14)])

kable(head(routeAirfares_df2_log, 10), caption = "First 10 Lines of routeAirfares_df2_log", 
      digits = 2, formatr="html") %>%
      kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed"))
First 10 Lines of routeAirfares_df2_log
0.00 3 No Yes 8.57 10.26 9.96 14.93 12.23 Free Free 5.74 8.97 4.16
0.06 3 No No 8.60 10.20 10.30 15.08 15.78 Free Free 6.36 9.08 5.16
0.06 3 No No 9.13 10.31 10.30 15.57 15.78 Free Free 5.90 8.77 5.34
0.06 3 No Yes 7.89 10.28 10.30 15.87 15.78 Controlled Free 6.42 10.13 4.45
0.06 3 No Yes 7.89 10.28 10.30 15.87 15.78 Free Free 6.42 10.13 4.45
0.01 3 No Yes 8.13 10.17 10.30 14.62 15.78 Free Free 5.73 9.50 4.04
0.25 3 No No 8.82 10.26 10.30 14.93 15.78 Free Free 7.11 8.44 5.43
0.14 3 Yes Yes 8.63 10.19 10.30 14.18 15.78 Free Free 6.83 8.61 4.76
0.29 3 No Yes 8.45 10.21 10.30 15.14 15.78 Free Free 7.13 8.96 5.15
0.47 2 No Yes 7.87 10.14 10.30 14.34 15.78 Free Free 6.87 8.45 4.74

5.6 Fit the Fourth Model - Full Model (Log Variables)

full_model_4 <- lm(FARE~.,data=routeAirfares_df2_log)
## Call:
## lm(formula = FARE ~ ., data = routeAirfares_df2_log)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -0.54200 -0.13380  0.00438  0.12776  0.58055 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value             Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -5.679652   1.104340  -5.143  0.00000036897000607 ***
## COUPON       0.003814   0.104332   0.037             0.970854    
## NEW         -0.010475   0.011026  -0.950             0.342510    
## VACATIONYes -0.208164   0.020161 -10.325 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## SWYes       -0.351735   0.021029 -16.727 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## HI           0.097026   0.026102   3.717             0.000221 ***
## S_INCOME     0.347635   0.082357   4.221  0.00002816958245335 ***
## E_INCOME     0.271137   0.059840   4.531  0.00000711343967710 ***
## S_POP        0.090004   0.011143   8.077  0.00000000000000378 ***
## E_POP        0.108469   0.011079   9.790 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## SLOTFree    -0.110045   0.020597  -5.343  0.00000013118957467 ***
## GATEFree    -0.133537   0.022152  -6.028  0.00000000293238855 ***
## DISTANCE     0.372717   0.019018  19.598 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## PAX         -0.166088   0.016457 -10.092 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.194 on 587 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8452, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8418 
## F-statistic: 246.5 on 13 and 587 DF,  p-value: < 0.00000000000000022

For this Fourth Model (Database without outliers - Log transformed), the summary shows the significance of each variable.
The variables COUPOM and NOVO still do not have a significant p-value. Moreover, the variables Vacation(Yes), SW(yes), Slot(Free), Gate(Free) and PAX had a negative coefficient. The Adjusted R-Squared is 84,2% for this model.

5.7 Fit the Fifth Model - Stepwise Model (Log Variables)

full_model_5 <- stepAIC(full_model_4, direction="backward", trace=FALSE)
## Call:
## lm(formula = FARE ~ VACATION + SW + HI + S_INCOME + E_INCOME + 
##     S_POP + E_POP + SLOT + GATE + DISTANCE + PAX, data = routeAirfares_df2_log)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -0.54562 -0.12529  0.00372  0.12560  0.57859 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value             Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -5.64645    1.09709  -5.147  0.00000036167328782 ***
## VACATIONYes -0.20821    0.02009 -10.366 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## SWYes       -0.35191    0.02089 -16.847 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## HI           0.09446    0.02381   3.967  0.00008175901020489 ***
## S_INCOME     0.34753    0.08223   4.226  0.00002753777426602 ***
## E_INCOME     0.26836    0.05971   4.494  0.00000841007056412 ***
## S_POP        0.08976    0.01112   8.071  0.00000000000000395 ***
## E_POP        0.10844    0.01102   9.843 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## SLOTFree    -0.10917    0.02050  -5.326  0.00000014334230587 ***
## GATEFree    -0.13351    0.02213  -6.033  0.00000000284908566 ***
## DISTANCE     0.37212    0.01287  28.907 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## PAX         -0.16645    0.01384 -12.026 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.1939 on 589 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.845,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.8421 
## F-statistic: 291.8 on 11 and 589 DF,  p-value: < 0.00000000000000022

For this Fifth Model (Database without outliers - Log transformed - Stepwise), the summary shows the significance of each variable.
All variables has significant p-values. The attention is for variables Vacation(Yes), SW(yes), Slot(Free), Gate(Free) and PAX, because they had negative coefficients. The Adjusted R-Squared is 84,2% for this model.

5.8 Using Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) coefficient to select the best model

List_AIC <- list(full_model_2,full_model_3,full_model_4,full_model_5)
List_AIC_names <- c('full_model_2','full_model_3','full_model_4','full_model_5')
aictab(cand.set = List_AIC, modnames = List_AIC_names)
## Model selection based on AICc:
##               K    AICc Delta_AICc AICcWt Cum.Wt       LL
## full_model_5 13 -252.01       0.00   0.84   0.84   139.31
## full_model_4 15 -248.73       3.27   0.16   1.00   139.78
## full_model_3 13 5851.34    6103.34   0.00   1.00 -2912.36
## full_model_2 15 5855.04    6107.05   0.00   1.00 -2912.11

The best model, following the AIC criteria is the Model 5 - Stepwase with Log transformed Variables.

5.9 Mangerial Conlusion about the Best Model

The Fifth model shows the better AIC, and the analysis of the coefficients are bellow:

5.9.1 Positive Coefficients

The HI(Herfindel Index), S_INCOME (Starting city’s average personal income), E_INCOME(End city’s average personal income), S_POP(Starting city’s population), E_POP(End city’s population) and Distance had positive coefficients. When these variables increase, the Fare will increase too.

5.9.2 Negative Coefficients

Vacation(Yes), SW(Yes), Slot(Free), Gate(Free) and Pax(Number of passengers) had negative coefficients. To sum up, in all these cases the Fare becomes lower:
- when the route is a vacation route - when the route has SW Operation
- when the route has either endpoint airport slot free of controls
- when the route has either endpoint airport has a gate free of constraints

5.9.3 Mangerial Conlusion

The company could estimate the fare using the variables and optimize the fare when analyzing the positive and negative coefficients to decide on each route it will operate. For example, if two routes have similar variables, but one of them has a Slot(Free) and Gate(Free), the airlines could choose the other option to maximize the fare because Slot(Free) and Gate(Free) affect a Fare in a negative way (decrease).

6 Spliting the sample

6.1 Split the sample into 65% training and 35% will be used for testing

The database was split using sample.split. The database with transformed variables was split using the same vector.

train_prt <- sample.split(routeAirfares_df2$FARE, SplitRatio = 0.65)

routeAirfares_df2_train <- subset(routeAirfares_df2, train_prt==TRUE)
routeAirfares_df2_test <- subset(routeAirfares_df2, train_prt==FALSE)

routeAirfares_df2_log_train <- subset(routeAirfares_df2_log, train_prt==TRUE)
routeAirfares_df2_log_test <- subset(routeAirfares_df2_log, train_prt==FALSE)

## [1] 601
## [1] 390
## [1] 211
## [1] 601
## [1] 390
## [1] 211

6.2 Run the Training Models

Model 5th is the best model, but here all models was ran to compare their predictions:

full_model_2_train <- lm(FARE~.,data=routeAirfares_df2_train)
full_model_3_train <- stepAIC(full_model_2_train, direction="backward", trace=FALSE)
full_model_4_train <- lm(FARE~.,data=routeAirfares_df2_log_train)
full_model_5_train <- stepAIC(full_model_4_train, direction="backward", trace=FALSE)

6.3 Testing the predicitive performance of the models

6.3.1 Using the predict function to perform predictions for all models

full_model_2_pred <- predict(full_model_2_train, routeAirfares_df2_test)
full_model_3_pred <- predict(full_model_3_train, routeAirfares_df2_test)
full_model_4_pred <- predict(full_model_4_train, routeAirfares_df2_log_test)
full_model_5_pred <- predict(full_model_5_train, routeAirfares_df2_log_test)

6.3.2 Using accuracy() function to get the predictive accuracy:

Comparison of the predicted values vs. actual values

round(accuracy(full_model_2_pred, routeAirfares_df2_test$FARE),4)
##              ME    RMSE     MAE     MPE    MAPE
## Test set 0.8599 31.4738 24.8809 -1.5112 18.7165
round(accuracy(full_model_3_pred, routeAirfares_df2_test$FARE),4)
##              ME    RMSE     MAE     MPE    MAPE
## Test set 0.8838 31.3079 24.7557 -1.5716 18.6155
round(accuracy(full_model_4_pred, routeAirfares_df2_log_test$FARE),4)
##              ME   RMSE    MAE     MPE   MAPE
## Test set 0.0004 0.1987 0.1601 -0.0778 3.3008
round(accuracy(full_model_5_pred, routeAirfares_df2_log_test$FARE),4)
##              ME   RMSE    MAE     MPE   MAPE
## Test set 0.0005 0.1979 0.1588 -0.0755 3.2752

Model 5th has better predictive accuracy than the others. Thus, model 5th will be used for predictions in the next steps.

6.4 Display the first 20 rows for actual, predicted and residual for Fares

df_pred <- data.frame("Predicted" = full_model_5_pred,
           "Actual" = routeAirfares_df2_log_test$FARE,
           "Residual" = full_model_5_pred - routeAirfares_df2_log_test$FARE)

df_pred_real <- exp(df_pred)
df_pred_real$Residual <- (df_pred_real$Predicted-df_pred_real$Actual)

kable(head(df_pred_real, 20), caption = "First 20 Lines of Precited, Actual ans Residual Values", 
      digits = 2, formatr="html") %>%
      kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed"))
First 20 Lines of Precited, Actual ans Residual Values
Predicted Actual Residual
1 58.88 64.11 -5.23
7 268.45 228.00 40.45
8 116.03 116.54 -0.51
10 141.04 114.76 26.28
12 226.41 228.99 -2.58
25 117.14 113.50 3.64
27 75.12 69.12 6.00
30 119.65 134.30 -14.65
38 188.22 234.15 -45.93
39 209.66 203.17 6.49
43 148.13 106.60 41.53
44 134.90 106.60 28.30
45 148.88 136.27 12.61
53 79.15 69.10 10.05
54 75.62 69.10 6.52
55 127.65 91.83 35.82
57 81.96 57.62 24.34
63 188.80 157.20 31.60
66 166.08 143.59 22.49
67 74.90 75.07 -0.17

6.5 Histogram for residual of the Model 05

ggplot(df_pred_real, aes(Residual)) + 
  geom_histogram(fill = "orange", colour="lightgray", bins = 30) +
  ggtitle("Hist. Residual of Predictions") +

7 STEP: Predict Values using the Model 05 - Stepwise (Log Variables)

7.1 Prediction 01

Prediction of the Fare considering the values of variables are:
- COUPON = 1.202
- NEW = 3
- SW = No
- HI = 4442.141
- S_INCOME = $28,760
- E_INCOME = $27,664
- S_POP = 4,557,004
- E_POP = 3,195,503
- SLOT = Free
- GATE = Free
- PAX = 12,782 and
- DISTANCE = 1976 miles.

pred_data1 <- data.frame(COUPON = 1.202, NEW = 3, VACATION ="No", SW = "No", HI = 4442.141, S_INCOME = 28760, 
                         E_INCOME = 27664, S_POP = 4557004, E_POP = 3195503, SLOT = "Free", GATE = "Free", 
                         PAX = 12782, DISTANCE = 1976)
#Log transformation
pred_data1_log <- pred_data1
pred_data1_log[,c(1,5:9,12,13)] <- log(pred_data1_log[,c(1,5:9,12,13)])

predict_fare1 <- predict(full_model_5_train, pred_data1_log, interval="prediction", level=0.05)

##        fit      lwr      upr
## 1 242.9216 239.9687 245.9108

For this group of variables the prediction of Fare was Usd 243, with the range between Usd 240 and Usd 246.

7.2 Prediction 02

Predict the reduction in average fare on the route described in step 11 above if SW Airlines decides to cover this route (i.e., SW = Yes)

pred_data2 <- data.frame(COUPON = 1.202, NEW = 3, VACATION ="No", SW = "Yes", HI = 4442.141, S_INCOME = 28760, 
                         E_INCOME = 27664, S_POP = 4557004, E_POP = 3195503, SLOT = "Free", GATE = "Free", 
                         PAX = 12782, DISTANCE = 1976)
#Log transform
pred_data2_log <- pred_data2
pred_data2_log[,c(1,5:9,12,13)] <- log(pred_data2_log[,c(1,5:9,12,13)])

predict_fare2 <- predict(full_model_5_train, pred_data2_log, interval="prediction", level=0.05)
##       fit      lwr      upr
## 1 166.097 164.0715 168.1475

Considering the same value of the group variables above cited, but changing the SW Operation to “Yes”, the prediction of Fare was Usd 166, with the range between Usd 164 and Usd 168.
Thus, the impact of SW start operate this route is reduce the Average Fare in Usd 76.82 compare to not operate the route.

7.3 Briefly discuss the results from steps above:

The SW Airline is a low cost company. When it starts a operation in one route, the average of Fare reduce.
Thus, to maximize its fare, will be necessary analyze the other variables of the route.
As mentioned before, the modelling shows a list of variables that impact in reduction of fare.
Because is knew that its Fare is lower than other companies, the SW needs to evaluate the other variables. One example could be avoid the routes where Vacation is Yes, Slot is Free and Gate is Free. And prioritize the routes which has a higher HI(Herfindel Index), S_INCOME (Starting city’s average personal income), E_INCOME(End city’s average personal income), S_POP(Starting city’s population), E_POP(End city’s population) and Distance.

8 Next Steps

8.1 Question about different approach

In competitive industries, A new entrant with a novel business model can have a disruptive effect on existing firms. If a new entrant’s business model is sustainable, other players are forced to respond by changing their business practices.

If the goal of the analysis was to evaluate the effect of Southwest Airlines’ presence on the airline industry rather than predicting fares on new routes, how would the analysis be different? Describe the conceptual and technical aspects.

8.2 Answer about different Approach

In an analysis to assess the impact of SW Airline’s entry into operation, the SW variable can be used as a response variable in a Logistic Regression.
In this way, each of the other variables can be used as predictors of the variable SW.
With this, it would be possible to evaluate which other routes there is a greater probability of entering the SW, and still, using the multiple regression model (5th) it would be possible to evaluate the impact on the Average Fare of these routes.